In lieu of flowers for David Mosher, his wife and family respectfully request that a donation be made in his name to the Ocean Conservancy. For those of you who knew Dave, and know Jennifer, you'll already know how much the ocean, scuba diving, and preservation mean to them. Even if you don't know them, now is the perfect time to donate in the continuous wake of the oil spill.
1. Go to the donation page for Ocean Conservancy (click here)
2. Choose a one time amount to donate or monthly donation
3. Fill out your applicable information
4. Click on the box next to "Yes, this is an honor or memorial gift."
5. Fill in the following information:
Honoree First Name: David
Honoree Last Name: Mosher
Notification Recipient Street 1: 5114 Echo Lane
Notification Recipient City: Pleasant View
Notification Recipient State/Province: choose Tennessee
Notification Recipient ZIP/Postal Code: 37146
You may write a message in the box provided
6. Fill out your credit card information
7. Click on "Donate Now"
I am working on getting a direct page made for Dave so you don't have to follow the instructions here. But for now, this is what we've got. I'm sorry if these instructions seem "dumbed down," but I'd rather give the baby steps than have folks confused. Thank you in advance for any donations made.